Saturday, 28 May 2011

The rights of Muslims against Muslims

Ohabayti you in God this article that I read, I liked the move you to spread the benefit and interest, God willing.

Online article:
Says peace be upon him: (right of one Muslim over another five: to return the greeting, visiting the sick, follow funerals, and answer the call, and Tchmidt sneezes).
Which contemplates that the modern surface reflection finds the practices of formal and by, but when we reflect on the educational dimension of the view that to establish an Islamic society founded to build a coherent human being reflects the fact that a Muslim about Islam ..

Article in detail:

The rights of Muslims against Muslims

Friday sermon by Dr. Mahmoud Abul-Huda al-Husseini at the Great Mosque in Aleppo on 10/01/2010

According to the agreed to talk about our Lord and our master the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (the right of one Muslim over another five: to return the greeting, visiting the sick, follow funerals, and answer the call, and Tchmidt sneezes).
Which reflect this modern reflection on the surface does not stop when you see the depth of the educational practices of formality performed by Muslim in his dealings with his Muslim brother.
But when we contemplate the modern dimension of education, and when we read read fell in the concept of community building and the formation of Rights, we believe that we in our present practice is far removed from items of this talk, because this is the modern founding of an Islamic society coherent established to build a Muslim person reflects the reality of Islam.
These five things which we are enjoined by our beloved and our Lord and Maulana Muhammad may Allah bless him and his family peace and social system that represents the unconscious spiritual faith.
1 - The first right which is a response of peace: it continued for another initiative, he ordered the beloved Prophet peace be upon him to disclose the peace of this nation, and disclosure of peace, as reported accounts from multiple similar versions mean that the believer announces his tongue for a decade and era.
When he says: "Peace be upon you," he says to his brothers around him in the Muslim community: "Safety on you", ie: will not be issued to me but commensurate with the security that you learned about and be around you, you will not be issued to me harm or damage.
If: when he says: "Peace be upon you", it declares that the source of safety to the community, and announce to his brother, who greet him as a source of comfort and security of him, nor can the case be a source of harm or abuse, for we are a nation declare what you think, does not contradict its words with actions and conditions.
And God Almighty is the one who said:
{O you who believe, not what you say you do not do, is most hateful to God that ye say that ye do not} [Grade: 2-3].
When he says: "Peace be upon you" can either be honest in saying this or a liar and saying that that is what not to do, and say what is not implemented on a practical level.
He says to his brother: "Peace be upon you" and it meets with him, but then gain it, and goes to the display, and is located in his absence, is located in Nmimith, and is lying in it, and is located in the fraud by the ... And is located in is not commensurate with the ethics of Islam.
This is a liar, he says: "Peace be upon you", to say it out loud: "Peace be upon you", while his actions, it says: "harm you", "abuse you", all Iwvekm sense and meaning be issued to me, but I lurk behind the word great, and I say: " Peace be upon you "is not linked to me this word, never.
It Badrick O Muslim and the reason for the security and safety for you and there was no harm or damage it, then beware beware not to be those who are peace be upon him.
Never met you improved abuse ..
Never meet your security peace of harm and abuse ..
Never undermine those who do not receive from you ..
Never insult those who do not Eshetmk ..
Never be the cause of damage to those who do not hurt you ... This is commensurate with non-Muslims.
Muslim commensurate with his conversion to Islam is peace, nor be detrimental to those who treat him, and those who have Mzlzla security.
Thus, the disclosure of peace and the response of the Islamic movement Islamic Movement in the community productive and effective and useful, are not in the way cause harm.
May stop the movement of a Muslim for some reason (which the best known of his illness), and the movement that was the will benefit him and benefit the community, Vtjelb livelihood for him and the community, and bring benefit to him and to the community, and bring benefits to him and to society, but his move when he stopped as the Almighty God, the Muslim community to be represented by in the movement.
Hence the second right which is borne in mind:
2 - Clinic patient: present-day practices of formality, one of us takes the candy box and then go to his brother a bear in this sense.
This is your brother in a society that is supposed to be interdependent, it was a moving and useful in his movement and vitality, and when he stopped leaving his community?! This is not an Islamic society, because the Islamic community an interdependent community of solidarity.
Hence the patient clinic in order to lose, in order to find out what is missing from the money, what is missing from Alienas, and lacks the sense or the meaning ... Because it is a member of the community, and a member of the body represented by the Prophet peace be upon him in this magnificent example of when he said: (If a member complained to falter, the rest of the body to ensure a fever).
Is this is the case, O beloved nation? Or are we live collection: "I" and individual, and live drop instead of cohesion, and live band, the body of our society has become disjointed passage, and the disappearance of the emotional communication.
This is the second right which shows that losing the community to which everyone, who stopped his movement after the movement was strong, productive and useful.
3 - follow the funeral: And so it comes third is to subscribe to the feeling.
That follow the funeral, which consoles the family of the deceased, and the consoles where is your brother in Islam has lost lover, and it is difficult from the heart, which is in a state of depression, and in a state of grief and sadness ...
Aithml sorrow and distress alone?!
What is this morality of Islam.
And so it was the duty of the Muslim community to share this sad and depressed in this Kapth.
And old habits that it was in our fathers and grandfathers that when he died in the neighborhood one of its members were dependent weddings where for a long time, but this was when he was the body of our society alive, but today in the era of indifference emotional that Nchernq where about ourselves, and feel one of us with his brother, but Alachtsam suffer from, and suffer from hatred, suffering and hatred, and suffering from Kidd and the implementation of the Undersecretary of the dastardly plots which rises above it people of Islam and faith ...
4 - answer the call:
Brother, who felt Diaspora and felt the band wants to join his brothers in Islam on food.
The meeting is on food rather than for eating and by, when one calls his fellow Muslims on food, it invites them to the table of cultural, and invites them to the table of economic and social invite them to the table and invite them to a participatory ... Because he was sitting with his brother shall eat it with a shared eating in modern culture and feeling, and this establishes a solid Alaqlat.
Hence it was one of the duties ordered by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him answer the call, because it is a positive attitude with the owner of a positive initiative.
5 - Tchmidt sneezes:
Islam brought us Rgina civilization to a stage where the need is recognized by observing movements of his Muslim brother?
Connect the progress of civilization in this great Islam that a Muslim committed to follow up the conditions of his brother, even at Atash?
If his brother was hungry to be with him, and hit his brother if cough be with him, and if the injury is a disease with him, even in his Atash seize the opportunity to call him, I shall call the indifference and care for you, not in indifference.
In order to understand this I say to you: Look at the mother who gave birth to her son and if he gets three days after Batas one-time, and look to the mother what hit it?
It is calculated that at the expense of a thousand, perhaps he would develop a cold, cold, and perhaps after a disease in the chest, or a scourge for him to breathe ... Begins with accounts of the mother.
Why, this could be just a sneeze comes out naturally by the child abuse of his nose?
It's a passion .. It feels ..
It is a sense cDNA that Ngheb him, as it was originally instilled by Islam in our society it is about each individual member of society to the mother and father to his brother, and gave us a model through Ms. Khadija, may Allah be pleased that the wife and sister, a mother, a daughter of the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.
And has given us an example through his brother and his companion Abu Bakr, who was watching the movements of the beloved prophet peace be upon him.
And gave us models of the many observations of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him, which was observed by his companions and asks them about what Akhcocent his hand, and who remained silent for a sad, even a small child who saw him sad when he died Asforh, which is suffering from depression after the loss, Vicharkh Messenger of God and tells him :
(Umayr, what happened to the nughayr?).
Where are we when we say: We are a society of Islam?
Where are we from these meanings, each one of us was away from his brother, does not know the meaning of the Association of Islam?
Back to the ignorance that the links where the links of race and descent, and links of interest and money, while the Muslim League, the moral of God on the first community to when he said: {So you became his grace brothers} [Al-Imran: 103] it is almost absent from our society, O Friends of the Messenger of Allah.
Return to Islam, and the sense Bhakaigah ..
How many read the Quran and read an interview Prophet peace be upon him passing a superficial reading does not see where the meanings of this thing, but moving our lips to speak read and read the Koran, but our behavior and our actions and our conditions it is far ...
Thus, what God wanted us, but wants us to be conscious of the nation that is aware of the understanding, and then react to become aware of.
Our response to God in response to a beautiful religion, and make us listen to those who say and follow the best.
I say this to say and ask forgiveness from God.

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