Friday, 27 May 2011

Knesset discusses the teaching of Islam in Arab schools initiative MP Ghanayem

Initiative by the Islamic Movement MP Masoud Ghanayem (United Arab List and the Arab Movement for Change), discussed the General Authority for the Knesset, on Wednesday, the problems experienced by the subject of Islam in Arab schools.
The Attorney Ghanayem shortcomings in front of the Knesset members and the many problems that characterize the teaching of the subject of Islam in Arab schools and most important: that the subject of the Islamic religion is not a compulsory subject for entitlement to matriculation certificate and, in turn, the student's Arab and Muslim is obliged to learn Torah as a subject is mandatory for matriculation. The Israeli universities and the Israeli Council for Higher Education does not recognize the subject of the Islamic religion as part of the matriculation certificate does not give him any value in terms of marks.
The MP added Ghanayem that there is a large part of Arab schools did not know the subject of Islamic religion at all, and this is contradictory and contrary to the instructions of the ministry. Also that some of the schools give teachers non-specialists in the subject of religion to study Islamic religion classes.
The Deputy Ghanayem that after tens of years there is not even on the subject of an inspector of the Islamic religion in the Arab sector. The curriculum lacks the renewal and modernization. moved topic

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