Saturday, 28 May 2011


Before proceeding to demonstrate the realities of Islam and his staff; it should be talking about the name (Islam).
The word of Islam in the source language delivers the safest, and from the safety and peace.
When we talk in this study about Islam, then we mean the religion which He revealed to His Prophet Muhammad, and he called this the tenor of the invitation to surrender to God alone, and the dissipation of obedience and submission.
This name does not derive its name from the name of a prophet or a homeland, but rather is derived from _khasisth basis which did not leave him in the process of stages and throughout the history of humanity, it is surrender to God Almighty alone and no one else.
Islam is the religion of God which He revealed to all prophets, they called all the assets of one, based on the Oneness of God and glorify and worship Him and surrender to the orders and submit to its provisions and the call to guard the virtues of morality and improve human behavior.
But what we find today and the spacing between the followers of different religions; Andras prayers when the right and prairie in the previous messages of God of falsehood.
He was God, this is the name Al-Sharif (Islam) to the faithful in a while, as he says:) is named you Muslims before ((Hajj: 78), because the Muslim - the insured of any prophet of God - comply with the truth of Islam, Vistzlm God, and driven by obedience to him, standing at its borders and laws.
Father of the Prophets Noah, peace be upon him say to his people:) and ordered to be Muslims ((Yunus: 72).
And continues to Abraham and his son Ishmael peace be upon them call for God to make them Muslims:) Lord, make us Muslims to you and our descendants a Muslim nation to you ((al-Baqarah: 128).
Prior to the death of Jacob, peace be upon him raise his sons, and commanded them Balastmsak Bmlp Ibrahim true Muslim) when he said the Lord has Aslam said surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds ^ and the legacy that Abraham sons, and Jacob, my son, God has chosen you to religion do not die except as Muslims ^ or you attended as martyrs Jacob Death When he said to his sons that which ye worship after me, they worship God and the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, One God and to Him we are Muslims ((al-Baqarah: 131-133).
As requested by Moses of his people to comply with the requirements of Islam, which entered it, he said:) "O my people, if ye have believed in Allah then put trust if you are Muslims ((Yunus: 84), responded to his call magicians of Pharaoh, saying:) Our Lord, pour upon us patience and make us die Muslims (( Institutions: 126).
And so called peace be upon him when his Lord and asked God to slay him and Ihacrh righteous with the Muslims:) Tuffine Muslim and join me with the righteous ((Yusuf: 101).
And when she entered the court of the Queen of Sheba, Solomon saw signs of his prophethood; called call of faith, she said:) Lord, I have wronged myself, and submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the Worlds ((ants: 44).
The Seal of the Prophets pointed Mamedouhdp religion of the prophets, he said: ((I am the first people to Jesus son of Mary in the world and the Hereafter, and the prophets are paternal brothers, different mothers, and their religion and one )).([ 1])
Thus, the religion of the prophets are all one, built on the basis of one calls for the unification of God and its members alone worship, and surrender to his orders, it is Islam is a religion of Almighty God:) The religion of Allah is Islam ((Al-Imran: 19), a religion that does not accept God's people we have something similar) And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will not accept it, a loser in the Hereafter ((Al-Imran: 85).
The truth of God when he said to His Prophet) Say what you called, of the Apostles ((Ahqaf: 9) origins were all brought by the Prophet had preceded to bring the brothers of the Prophets) Verily We have revealed to thee as We inspired Noah and the Prophets after him, and We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Isa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroun and Sulaiman and We gave David the Psalms ((women: 163).

([1]) Narrated by Al Bukhari (3443),
The brothers are paternal brothers from one father, and their mothers different.

Follow God .....

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