Friday, 27 May 2011


• If the elephant died as he was standing, he remained standing for a few hours before falling to the ground.
• lion's roar can be heard from a distance of 8 kilometers.
• ostrich live up to 75 years and continue to be able to reproduce until the age of fifty.
• The scientists observed that ants «yawn» Kalepeshr when he wakes up from sleep in the morning.
• heart of a fish shrimp there are in her head.
• The position of eyes of the donkey in the head, allowing him to see the four hooves on a permanent basis at the same time.
• Omar longer could fly home living is 14 days.
• size of the heart of the blue whale is the size of a car, the tongue for a length of about 5 meters.
• Can the animal known as a single mole to dig a tunnel with a length of about 95 meters in one night for information, not much more than the size of the mole the size of the normal mouse.
• There are different types of worms eat parts of their bodies if you do not find food.
• All elephants walk on the heads of the fingers and feet because back in those taking does not contain any bones, but composed of pure fat.
• Voice quack does not echo and no one knows why yet.
• Cockroaches found on the planet for about 300 million years.
• cobra poison is very strong to the extent that one gram of it is enough to kill more than 150 people.
• Did you know that shaking its wings, fly around (32) times per second.
• Did you know that the elephant smell human scent at a distance of half a kilometer.
• Did you know that eagles do not die, but they commit suicide due to illness.
• Did you know that the smallest bird in the world is the bird fly.

moved topic

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