Thursday, 2 June 2011

Where and when to

In the name of God the Merciful

I see my brothers, my sisters. We have entered into darkness walk blundering without hand extends to us to take us into the light and explain to us where we are and what we're on different methods lost the nation between the ebb and flow within and outside we were proud of this nation it is that she was holding our own hands and show us what Ejehlna and now we are going alone has preoccupied the nation us herself and that she had started to eat some Vinadmt trust between us and them and continue to walk and walk do not know where currents plaguing us and we are moving enemies flock to us and we are going but not to anyone moving in fear not only ourselves but to those who are in our hands and within our societies, some of us may be vaccinated against the currents of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Prophet peace be upon him, and others may take some fortifications and leave some of them and probably leave all the fortifications did not care what Sisibp of these currents toxic .. and those who are afraid of them, the most the fear of all that surrounds us and Ichak around us, we walk with confidence and hope from God to prove that confidence which is a gift to us Almighty, but we see who stumble so dark and listen what we are trying to help them by and stop their hands from us so as not to put our hands and save them, which slip out of their feet in the pits that face us in that way and I think that we and they will continue to walk without a guide or a reasoned explain to us what happens but my brother, my sister-Muslim is not before us but we stick to our religion, is the rope that will save us and get us out of this darkness in which we live and live our nation in it (I understand God Balrky know you distressed) Have you not heard the news of the three who told us Boukbarham the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, while sheltered
Accommodation to the cave ..
Dramatically, the rock of the mountain ..
Laurel rotted hole ..
Prostrate in darkness ..
No one knows their place but Allah ..
It is death and destruction that the investigator did not cool their God ..
They said: do not save you today, but let God welfare of your business ..
He called the first ..
Righteousness of his parents and he was not giving them money or a boy ..
He called on the other ..
To leave the outrageous, adultery and was able to do that ..
He called for the third ...
It gave the employee his wages ..
They said in their prayer and their cry:
O ..
You know that I did so in order to face ..
Vfarag us where we are ..
When the knowledge of God ..
Honesty ..
And dedication ..
Delighted in the rock ..
And went out walking ..
They ..
Get to know God ..
In prosperity ..
Varafhm ..
In distress ..
Begged to God ..
Welfare of their business ..
Any work Sotosl it ..
I am ..
And you ..
To God! ..!
If Oana overnight to the cave ..
Or commendable, in the desert .. or in the Ghaffar
. Flantqoy the remembrance of Allah and the matters we must consult the guidance of His Prophet peace be upon him so as not to drag us away and even if affected do not feel it because God is with us and do not feel the darkness of the road that we walk it, because with us Qabas matters we must consult him not a book God Is Odrkima Okhitti Muslim Muslim brother this way plunging It is time that we live now, without knowing where to reach us and how we're going on the inside of the hurricanes and the kinds of streams Allah Almighty knows best

Oh my God got us out than we are, O Nur Besairna and sight in order to get out than we are to Kiek We adhere to all that have guided him and Oahditna him then you praise and gratitude be to Allah Lord dedicate one who does not uphold the rope and enlightened by your light Oh God, I dedicate the nation's young men and women of God Collect the hearts of the nation on a single word the word is no god but God and the guidance and the guidance of one of our beloved Muhammad ibn Abd Allah peace be upon him

O you who wanted a trial of the nation and keep them away from their religion and God dispersed themselves distracted them with us Iarahman world and Rahimanma

This is what hurts myself and this is my questions (where and when we walk) Are you my brothers, my sisters in Islam you ask those questions, I say we all hope in God, the God willing, be shown that the cloud heavily storm harsh and be clearer those blinders dark in which we live underneath will show us the light that Serena each nation also acted to recognize some of them, but when this knowledge of the unseen our complaints to him and it is our hope;

Please accept my smile and my tears were mixed until the claims the right and that the falsehood was vanish,

Cheer my brothers! Voadkm sisters brought all the largesse of myself and go through, which I find my pen and you will find, but now I say!! (Whoa my pen I swear it will be able to convey what is inside me jealous of my religious and my)

Finally .. Please accept my appreciation to my brothers, my sisters in Islam and do not stay clear of the authorized me to Rahman, I will come back to you and me what I hope will benefit me and the profit you long as and as long as these Baida spacious flowering, which go out to them and through them to Kiekm Odamha God prosperous including pleases him and Adam departed from us for the Baida and Ahrmanm Ojrkl plant and flower put those plains pure parity pure Adamha God for us to Nstjm by and through .. Alqakm and you are all fine ..

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